Our work recognized: cirplus in the news

Cirplus | Circular Plastics
3 min readNov 5, 2021


cirplus has been featured in remarkable newspapers lately. We collected our favorite pieces here, take a look!

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cirplus Is On Spot

Stern has talked with our co-founder & CEO Christian Schiller about cirplus and our motivation behind it. Also, the role of politics was discussed, and what they can do to finally stop the plastic pandemic. Plus, how the economical situation for recycling plastics can improve.

In the full version read about that and other aspects of the versatile plastic topic (in German, available by subscription):

DER SPIEGEL is telling our backstory and the vision of cirplus on the circular economy and digitalization in that context. In the full version you can read more about what was the initial point of cirplus and where we are heading up (in German, available by subscription):

Süddeutsche Zeitung is also talking about our story and further plans, about how the diverse composition of plastic waste complicates the business and the role of DIN SPEC 91446 standard in the resolution of this problem. In the full version, you will also read about some of our circular economy insights, and the digital procurement processes (in German):

DIN SPEC 91446 Is On The Way

Our involvement with DIN SPEC 91446 is getting attention in the news. Recently K-ZEITUNG published an article, where they have expressed the importance of standards for the classification of recycled plastics and called the upcoming Specifications a breakthrough in the circular economy of plastics.

Want to learn more about how cirplus is paving the way for higher-value plastics recycling with DIN SPEC 91446? — Read full version (in German):

Meanwhile, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung was pointing out in their article about DIN SPEC 91446 the common effort of major recyclers (Remondis, Grüner Punkt), manufacturers of sorting systems (Tomra Sorting GmbH), plastic converters (Polifilm, Greiner Packaging), scientists (the Institute of Plastics and Circular Economy IKK, Kunststoff-Institut Lüdenscheid), and cirplus, as the main driver.

For more info and insights — read the full version (in German).



Cirplus | Circular Plastics
Cirplus | Circular Plastics

Written by Cirplus | Circular Plastics

Our mission: make plastic waste history!

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